Diocesan Organisations
Board for Social Action - What we do

Board for Social Action - What we do


Currently the Board is developing a Drugs Awareness programme for the Diocese. It is our intention to set up a team of lay people who will have completed a training programme in drugs awareness and who will be available to visit parishes to speak to youth groups, parents groups, select vestries and other management bodies in parishes about the drugs scene in the diocesan area.
We have also looked at the possibility of developing regular Marriage Preparation courses in co-operating with parochial clergy.

We seek to develope training programmes to prepare parishioners and clergy to help parishes engage with major issues with practical and theologically contextualised tools and strategies.

Statements Prepared

Part of our brie is to prepare statements to stimulate discussion and give guidance on matters of social concer.
A number of our members are currently preparing a Theological Reflection on Drugs Awareness and exactly what the parishes of the Diocese might have to offer in this area.

Report to ?
The Board is required to make an annual return to the Clogher Diocesan Synod of the various programmes and activities it has engaged in during the year and to give a financial statement of its accounts. Regular reports are also made by the Chair to the meetings of the Diocesan Council, the standing committee for the Diocesan Synod.

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