
Eco candle arrives in Enniskillen


The Eco Candle, a symbol of prayers for climate justice, has arrived in Enniskillen this week.

The candle is part of the “Shine a Light on Climate Justice” initiative of Eco Congregation Ireland which encourages churches of all denominations to take an eco-approach to worship and other contact with the developing world.

The Eco Candle spends a week in each church and last weekend it arrived at St. Macartin’s Cathedral, Enniskillen and will remain there until December 8 after which it will go to St. Michael’s Church.

Eco Congregational Ireland offers resources and support to help churches take practical eco action in the context of their Christian faith.

A simple church check-list helps churches assess what they are already doing and determine future priorities.

Our resources also include sections on Worship and Teaching, Children’s and Youth Work, Property and Grounds Management, Finance and Waste, Personal Lifestyles, Working with the Local Community and Thinking Globally.