
MU Annual Area Services


The Mothers Union Area Service for the Southern part of Clogher Diocese, took place in Aghabog Parish Church, Co. Monaghan on Friday 6th May.

The service was conducted by the Revd Margaret Pringle. Marina Elliot and her daughter Emma sang a duet. The President, Irene Boyd, spoke on 'A Celebration of Faith'. Using a power point she showed the work of MU in various parts of the world. She challenged MU members to use their Faith at Home and in the Community.

The following week on Friday 13th May two Area Services took place in the Northern part of the Diocese. One in St Mary's Magheraculmoney (Kesh) and the other in St John's Fivemiletown.

In Magheraculmoney 12 branches attended. The service was conducted by the curate assistant, Revd Caroline Mansley and the speaker was Revd Olivia Downey, curate assistant of St Macartin's Cathedral, Enniskillen. Her sermon was on "Faithfulness" and she used the hymn "Great is thy Faithfulness" as her theme.

In Fivemiletown the service was conducted by the Rector, The Revd Kyle Hanlon. The MU President, Mrs Irene Boyd attended and read one of the lessons.

The title for the Rector's sermon was "Few things are Needed", from the words of Jesus in St Luke chapter 10. He spoke of Martha, Mary and Lazarus, and the different attitutes of the women towards Jesus. He urged MU members to pray more for themselves, their families and congregations. He encouraged members to use the Book of Common Prayer to help them to pray.

At each service Branch Banners were carried. The Diocesan Banner was carried in Aghabog and Fivemiletown because the President was present.

All the services were well attended and members of the host branches took part in the services.

At the three services contributions were presented for the use of MU Overseas Fund by members of each Branch. This money is used for the training of MU workers and various projects such as Mothers Union Literacy and Development Programme (MULDP). Since the year 2000, 35,000 people in Burundi, Sudan and Malawi, have become accredited as literate, and thousands more have benefited from health education and gender equality discussions in groups.

Also, following the three services the congregations enjoyed lovely food provided by the host branch and the chance to renew friendships.

Ladies enjoying supper following the service in Fivemiletown

Mrs Irene Boyd and Revd Margaret Pringle in Aghabog

Marina and Emma singing a duet in Aghabog

Some members of the congregation in Magheraculmoney

Members of Garrison Branch arriving with their Banner at Magheraculmoney

Some Banners at Fivemiletown