
CIYD Day of Prayer for Young People and Youth Ministry


Last year saw the first CIYD Day of Prayer for Young People and Youth Ministry. A number of dioceses across the island organised events such as prayer spaces, worship services and Prayer and Pancake parties which were attended by all ages. At each of these events, the focus was on praying for the needs of young people and for the youth leaders and ministries that serve them. A resource was produced to aid dioceses in the organising of their events.

This year, there was a desire for the Day of Prayer to happen again; however after some discussion it was decided to take the different approach of encouraging congregations around the country to pray together about these topics on a set day.

The House of Bishops approved the date of Sunday 7th February as an appropriate one for undertaking this. However, participation is completely optional and at the discretion of those leading services on the Sunday in question. Furthermore, if you would like to be involved but another Sunday would be more suitable in your context, then of course do what works for your own schedule.

The idea is simple: this pack contains a selection of prayer ideas that can be used during the service. Some are for praying aloud, some provide stimulus for silent prayer and some are more interactive. If you were involved in last year's event, you may recognise a number of the ideas from then, as well as some new ones. Perhaps one or more of these might appeal to you. You might choose to use them during the Prayers of the People or in some other way that you feel appropriate. Indeed, you might choose to completely change and adapt them as suitable. The aim is not that the Day of Prayer would take over the service, but rather that the prayers would simply slot in and be part of the rhythm of the worship on that day.

So, if the idea appeals to you, please do select one or more of the ideas from this pack and use them as and when you feel appropriate. Of course, prayer for our young people is important at all times, so hopefully this resource pack may prove to be helpful on many other occasions also.

See link below

CIYD Day of Prayer