Clogher Diocesan Board of Religious Education invites children and young people to enter the following competitions. The theme this year is:
When Jesus was asked by his disciples, in Luke 11 v 1, "Lord, teach us how to pray," he gave them the words which we now know as The Lord's Prayer.
Archdeacon Ruddell Prize 2015
Take either the traditional or the modern version of the Lord's Prayer, phrase by phrase, from Pages 112-113 of the Book of Common Prayer, and explain what it teaches us. Include some relevant illustrations.
This competition is open to children of primary school age and can be either an individual or a group entry.
Bishop's Medal 2015
Explain your understanding of each phrase of the Lord's Prayer as found in Matthew Ch 6 v 9 - 13. Give some examples of how you could put verse 12 into practice, bearing in mind Jesus' words in verses 14 and 15.
This competition is open to young people of secondary school age and must be an individual entry.
For both the Archdeacon Ruddell Prize and the Bishop's Medal, all entries must be original, the work of those entering and must be handwritten.
Relevant pictures, diagrams, photographs etc. can be included.
Entries should be on A4 paper.
No reference should be made to the parish to which the entrant belongs.
All entries should please be left in the Diocesan Office by Wednesday 29th April, 2015.
Rectors and Sunday School Superintendents have copies of the relevant entry forms. Please contact them for more details. Prizes will be awarded at the annual Diocesan Synod in September.
Archdeacon Ruddel Prize 2015 Entry Form
Bishop\'s Medal 2015 Entry Form