
Easter Sunday in the Galloon Group


There was a large turnout at the two services organised in the Galloon Group, comprising of the parishes of Newtownbutler, Sallaghy and Drummully on Easter Sunday.

A series of services, shared with our neighbours had been held during Holy Week commencing in Newtownbutler Presbyterian Church on Monday, followed by Newtownbutler Methodist on Tuesday, Drummully on Wednesday, Sallaghy on Thursday when the group choir sang two pieces and concluded in Newtownbutler Church on Good Friday.

On Easter Sunday Revd Anita Kerr conducted a service of Holy Communion 1 in Sallaghy at 8.00am with approximately 50 people in attendance.

Revd Anita Kerr and Mr Charles Crawford

An Easter Sunday Praise Service including Holy Communion was held in Newtownbutler Church at 11.00am when Revd Anita was assisted by the Group's Diocesan Lay Reader, Charles Crawford. In excess of 100 people of all ages were present.

The Crawford family trio

The service opened with the hymn "Praise my soul the king of heaven" with the Crawford family trio of Alistair, Andrew and Joanna providing the brass accompaniment.

Darren Morrow

Eileen Hall

Charles Crawford

The lessons were read Darren Morrow, Eileen Hall and Charles Crawford with the duet of Roisin Kerr (harp) and Grace Kettyle (violin) playing verses of "I am the Lord of the Dance" before, between and after the readings.

The prayers were led by Charles Crawford.

The sermon by Revd Anita was based on the title "Receive, believe and become Christians, (r + 2b = C)". This was followed by the group choir singing the first of their two pieces "King of Kings, Majesty".

The Group Choir

During Holy Communion background music was provided by Roisin Kerr (harp), the group choir and the organist Joyce Clingan. After Holy Communion the group choir sang their second piece "In Christ Alone".

Rebekah Clingan

Following the recessional hymn Rebekah Clingan played a trumpet voluntary "Water you turned into wine".

A special thanks to everyone who helped with the preparations, participated in and put together our Easter Services especially the group choir who came together to produce two excellent performances of their two pieces. Once again thanks to Revd Anita Kerr for her leadership, inspiration and encouragement of people to get as many involved as possible in the life of the group.

Photographs courtesy of Stephanie Wiggins.