Mrs Daisy Simpson an Indoor Member of Inishmacsaint Branch was 101 years old on 11th October 2013. She lives with her nephew in Irvinestown.
Mrs Daisy Simpson
Mrs Olive Johnston and she was 101 years old on 27th October 2013. She is still able to attend meetings and has a great interest in everything that is going on not only in Mothers' Union but also in the Parish. She still lives at home.
Mrs Olive Johnston
On Tuesday 15th October Derrybrusk Branch held a very successful Visitors Night. The speaker was Brian Rankin reciting poetry which he writes himself, and laughter was plentiful! He had poetry books on sale the proceeds of which go to Africare, the charity he supports. The amount raised from the sale of the books was £640.
Dr Knox gave an inspiring epilogue on "The Seeds we Sow Together" and Kathryn Little some appropriate pieces.
Next year, on Monday 20 October 2014, Derryvullen and Garvary will be hosting the Visitors Night in Derryvullen South Hall when the speaker will be the All-Ireland President, Phyllis Grothier.