
Service on Inishmacsaint Island


The service which took place on Inishmacsaint Island, an historic site on 1st September was an enjoyable occasion. We did not need wellingtons as the day was good and conditions under foot were perfect.

About 120 people attended, some arrived by boat on The Lady of the Lake, others were transported by jeep, and the majority walked across the barge.

The service was conducted by the Chancellor Stanley Bourke, rector of Inishmacsaint Parish and the preacher was Bishop John McDowell. The bishop spoke about a power that is different from how the world sees it as he spoke about Jesus and the challenge of choosing to follow him who went the way of the cross for us. He also engaged the children with the use of an ancient horn which would have been used long ago to let people know that the post was coming. He went on to speak about another instrument, the last trumpet, that will sound to announce the coming of the King of Kings. The Bible reading from Samuel 40 v 15-31 was shared by Marion Saunderson and Eileen Cutler. The praise was led by Church Hill Silver Band.

Refreshments were provided for everyone after the service.

Some arriving by boat for the Service

Some of the Congregation

Rt. Rev. John Mc.Dowell and Chancellor Stanley Bourke just before the service began

Marion Saunderson and Eileen Cutler reading from the Bible

Church Hill Band leading the Praise