Kileevan Parish and Missionary Sale took place on Saturday 20th April 2013 commencing at 10.30am. This year's sale was, like previous years', most successful, and proved popular as children were allowed to be more involved in the event.
The children opened the sale with song and had arranged several fundraising activities: a 'Toy and Book' stall, 'Guess the Number of Sweets', 'Name the Teddy' and 'Pick the Right Brick'. The cake, grocery and plant stalls all did very well and many visitors enjoyed their morning tea or coffee along with lots of delicious and tasty treats.
In total the sale raised €3,300, a fantastic result! €2,000 will be donated to Church and Missionary Charities and the rest will be spent in the parish. My sincere thanks to everyone who supported the sale, your presence and the very generous donations as well as to those who worked so hard preparing the sale was much appreciated.
Parishioners and visitors enjoying the refreshments
Gratitude should also be expressed for the excellent Concert held in March. The Concert raised €3,000, again a wonderful achievement. Our thanks and appreciation to all who performed, supported the concert, and to those preparing for and who worked so hard on the evening.