
Bishop leads Service of Ordination at Enniskillen Cathedral


The ordination of Revd Peter Booth took place at St. Macartin's Cathedral Enniskillen.

A Service of Ordination and Celebration of Holy Communion took place in St. Macartin’s Cathedral, Enniskillen, on Sunday, 8 September at 7pm as Peter Booth was ordained as deacon.

The service was led by the Bishop of Clogher, the Right Revd Dr. Ian Ellis.

Peter Booth, who lives near Ederney with his wife, Diane and three daughters, Lauren, Ellie and Katie, has been training for the ordained ministry at the Church of Ireland Theological Institute in Dublin on the four-year part time MTh programme and is now entering his final year in which he will serve as deacon intern with Archdeacon Paul Thompson in the parishes of Derryvullen North and Castle Archdale.

The service was attended by Archdeacon Thompson as well as Dean Kenneth Hall and other clergy and readers from Clogher Diocese and beyond.

The ordination of Revd Peter Booth takes place in Enniskillen Cathedral.

The sermon was preached by Dr Katie Heffelfinger, Deputy Director of the Theological Institute who described Sunday as a ‘day of celebration and rejoicing.’

She said the staff at CITI had seen Peter’s maturity and gentle wisdom grow as he embraced his call.

The Old Testament lesson was read by Mrs Diane Booth, the Epistle was read by Mrs Linda Thompson, Rector’s Churchwarden, Derryvullen North and the Gospel was read by Dean Kenneth Hall.

The hymns were; “Pour out Thy Spirit from on high,” “Tell out my Soul,” “Alleluia” and “Be thou my vision.” The organist was Mr Glenn Moore.

Peter was supported by family and friends as well as clergy and readers from Clogher Diocese as they witnessed his ordination to the diaconate.

Following the service, a tea reception was held in the Cathedral Hall where best wishes were conveyed to Peter as he embarks on his year ahead as Deacon intern.

Peter said he will miss the people of his home parish of Ardess as they have been supportive of him and his family over the past 10 years.


Dr. Katie Heffelfinger Deputy Director CITI who preached.