
It’s Your Call: a video for Vocation Sunday


As Vocation Sunday approaches on Sunday, 12th May, the Commission on Ministry is encouraging clergy and lay readers across the Church of Ireland to set aside some time in their services to consider the call of God in our lives. This can provide an opportunity for parishioners to think about their next step forward into a particular form of ministry.

For a six-minute slot in the service, you may wish to show It's Your Call; a commissioned video which features interviews with a range of Church of Ireland clergy about their ordained ministry in different parts of Ireland. The video is available to share or download from the following links:

Vimeo (an advertising-free platform):

A range of resources for promoting vocations and ministry is available at including articles on pathways to ordination, lay ministry, Pioneer Ministry, and understanding selection, and five posters for parishes to encourage people to think about the role to which God may be calling them.

Vocation Sunday is an annual initiative from the Commission on Ministry for the Sunday between Ascension Thursday and Pentecost; parishes are welcome to choose another date at their discretion if this would be more convenient. Anyone with an interest in exploring a vocation to ordained ministry is encouraged to speak with their rector in the first instance.