
Churches and the Afghan Crisis


How should the Churches and Christians respond to the Afghan crisis in ways that can make a real difference in the lives of those impacted by this tragedy?

This question will be considered by the Churches’ Refugee Network at its annual meeting, where those attending online will hear from Welcome Churches and Refugees at Home; two organisations which are involved in addressing the crisis on Tuesday, 26th October 2021 from 2.00pm until 4.00pm (online).

The network will also be hearing from the Revd Dr Inderjit Bhogal, Leader of the Church of Sanctuary project, who will explore strategies from a policy perspective. Finally, Brussels based Dr Torsten Moritz, General Secretary of the Churches’ Commission for Migrants in Europe, will discuss how Churches in continental Europe are responding to the crisis.

You are welcome to register your attendance at the link through the Church of Ireland website page;

Shared on behalf of the Commission for Christian Unity and Dialogue.

The Churches’ Refugee Network forms part of the work of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland.