
Donna to embark on valuable mission work in Papua New Guinea


Donna Geary from St. Colman's Parish Clontibret.

A parishioner in the Ballybay Group of parishes in Co. Monaghan, is shortly about to embark on an important mission trip to Papua New Guinea.

Donna Geary, from St. Colman’s Church, Clontibret, is scheduled to set off at the end of August but has to finance her trip as all funds go directly to the mission rather than on overheads.

This is her story:

“At the end of August 2021, I will be travelling to Papua New Guinea (PNG) to join the MV YWAM PNG Medical Ship and the new YWAM ‘Jetty’ base in Port Moresby. There I will serve alongside the teams already working within communities providing training and medical care. There are many opportunities to help in different ways and my heart is open for whatever challenges are ahead. I am so excited to take this step and see how it all unfolds.

“YWAM stands for Youth With A Mission and is an international missionary organisation. YWAM began in the 1960s and now has 1500 bases in 180+ countries, each with different expressions of the central trifold ministries of training, evangelism and mercy ministries. The base I will be connected with is YWAM MS Townsville. Their focus is North Queensland and Papua New Guinea (PNG), engaging as a registered training organisation, and with a medical ship in the waters of PNG. All the work undertaken is in partnership with, and on the invitation of, the PNG government as part of the National Healthcare Plan and in collaboration with local health care authorities and health workers.

“After three years of teaching, at both secondary and college level, I still wasn’t content and was looking for more. Then, after spending nine months in Australia completing a Discipleship Training School (DTS) with YWAM MS Townsville, I found a way where I could use my teaching skills to improve and enhance peoples’ lives. As part of the holistic healthcare Community Engagement Programme that the medical ship runs on outreach in PNG, I went into villages teaching young children how to take care of their own health and welfare. I was also able to be part of the Community Action Programme which, through a series of interactive lectures based on areas the elders had highlighted, helped the people of the villages to improve aspects of village life to the benefit of the district.

Teaching healthcare in the villages of Papua New Guinea.

“The model YWAM was founded on means that everyone involved works on a voluntary basis. This means there is no form of salary for what we do and we pay our own way (rent, food etc). This ethos has served the ministry in many ways; helping it rapidly expand and ensuring all money raised goes directly towards the mission rather than overheads. This means that each individual YWAMer volunteer is responsible for raising the ongoing funds to do the work they do. Each full-time volunteer is supported by people that partner with them and, as such, I would like to invite you to consider partnering with me in one, or all, of the following ways:

“I will be emailing updates in which I will include Prayer Points. I would love if you were to incorporate these points into your own prayers and join with us on specific areas as a ministry. I will also include praise reports and results of prayers so you can see the effect your prayers have had!

A welcoming party inviting YWAM volunteers form the medical ship into their village.

“I would appreciate it if you would consider partnering with me by donating a regular sum on a monthly basis; or even donating a once off amount. Every little helps! If you feel you would like to do this email me at and I will send you the relevant details to be able to support me in this way. This is the link to my GoFundMe page;

“It would be really great if you would share my story with someone else. I’d love to see more people come, get involved and join me on this journey!”

The MV YWAM PNG Medical Ship.