
Death of HRH Prince Philip - statement from Dean Kenneth Hall and Monsignor Peter O'Reilly


The Royal visit to Enniskillen in 2012.

Statement from Right Revd Monsignor Peter O’Reilly, St Michael’s Roman Catholic Church, Enniskillen and Very Revd Canon Kenneth Hall, Dean of St Macartin’s Cathedral, Enniskillen

'With the announcement of the death of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, we wish to join our voices with the many others who have sympathised with Queen Elizabeth and their family.

'We do so while recalling the visit of the Queen and Prince Philip to Enniskillen on 26th June 2012. Those who were present on that day to see The Queen and Prince Philip cross the street from Saint Macartin’s Cathedral to enter St Michael’s Church will remember the joy of that occasion and its witness to our one community rooted in our common Christian heritage. We remember his lively interest in Enniskillen and his faithful support for the Queen, plainly visible on that day.

'Remember, O Lord, your servant Philip, who has gone before us marked with the sign of faith and now rests in the sleep of peace. According to your promises, grant to him and to all who rest in Christ, refreshment, light and peace; through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.'