
Black Santa at Clogher

Bishop John McDowell, Precentor Noel Regan and the Revd Alister Warke
at the Black Santa sit-out in Clogher

On Friday the 23rd December 2011, the Revd Precentor Noel Regan, Rector of St Macartan’s Cathedral in Clogher stood outside the Cathedral from 9.00am until 5.00pm.

Precentor Regan did this in order to raise funds for Omagh Samaritans. A spokesperson said “we at Samaritans in Omagh are extremely grateful for this fantastic act of support for our organisation. We also wish to thank the people of Clogher and other members of the public who gave so generously to this collection.”

As well as collecting much needed funds for Samaritans, Precentor Regan aimed to raise awareness of the service that Samaritans provide to anyone who is in distress or despair. Omagh branch of Samaritans covers Tyrone and Fermanagh.

Precentor Noel Regan and some parishioners of Clogher Cathedral handed over a cheque for £2,001 to Mr Michael Wright who is the director of the Omagh branch of Samaritans, and some Samaritans volunteers after the morning service in Clogher cathedral on Sunday 8th January.