Clogher Diocesan Choral Evensong
Clogher Diocesan Choral Evensong

The Church of Ireland Diocese of Clogher will hold a Service of Choral Evensong in Clogher Cathedral on the Fourth Sunday before Lent, Sunday 13th February 2011, commencing at 7.30pm. The service will be led by the Rt Revd Dr Michael Jackson, Bishop of Clogher who will also be the preacher, and the Very Revd Kenneth Hall, Dean of Clogher and Rector of Enniskillen. Taking part in the service will be a number of choirs from across the diocese, and the organist will be Glenn Moore. Proceeds from the collection will go towards supporting the work of the Clogher Diocesan Wells Project, a new youth ministry initiative in the diocese.

The Wells Project will shortly commence in the diocese, having appointed Mr Jonny Phenix to the position of full-time Diocesan Youth Officer. During the next three years the project will aim to establish new activities for young people aged 12-18 and 18-30 across the diocese. It will provide ongoing support, resourcing and training to existing youth leaders in uniformed and fellowship based youth groups; and, be an advocate for the needs of young people in the church. The hope is to generously establish new activities where genuine needs meet with local willingness.

A warm invitation is extended to everyone, to join together in this Diocesan Service.