Clogh Sale
Clogh Sale

Clogh Parish Sale took place on Wednesday 17th November, and whilst it is as its states “a sale”, that’s only part of the occasion, for come wind or high-water, which was the case last year, the people of this parish, supported by members of all the different traditions in the area got together for a great night which was had by all.

Thanks to the hard work of the parishioners and their volunteering friends, Clogh Hall became a market place of all kinds of everything and not least, a restaurant, for a couple of hours.

Most important of all is the fact that the venue, on the night, was the place to go for some quality time. Neighbours and friends of the parish, and of the parishioners, who don’t worship in the same four walls had the chance to sit and chat as they topped up their cholesterol levels on all the lovely home baking from the well presented menus.

As always, Clogh promised a warm welcome in a safe and comfortable environment where people were sure to enjoy the friendship as they helped this Church of Ireland community in its annual sale.