Ardess Concert
Auction Success
In the face of tough financial times the Parish of Magheraculmoney, Ardess
is giving thanks for another very successful auction this year, with close
to £13,000 raised in one afternoon - not that there wasn't tons of
preparation for weeks and months beforehand!
The Reverend Henry Blair opened proceedings with prayer, then it was straight
to work for the next four hours for auctioneer Derek Humes. From cake stalls
to craft stalls, bric-a-brac, clothing, books, jams and chutneys as well
as the usual array of auction lots plus the increasingly popular 'pledges',
everyone pulled together for this important annual fundraiser.
This year with a bespoke computerised system in place (developed in-house
at Ardess) nobody missed the bargain they were after, thanks to the real-time
video display of current and upcoming items. Plus there were no queues at
the payments desk - just instant itemised receipts!
It was genuinely a joint effort by the parishioners together with the wider
community, many travelling from Omagh and beyond, who turned out in great
numbers to spend some money, grab a bargain, enjoy a burger, sit and chat
over a cream-tea and generally have a good day out.
Thank you all…and see you next year!