Donagh Parish Treasure Hunt
Donagh Parish Treasure Hunt
A Car Treasure Hunt and Barbeque recently took place in and around the village
of Glaslough. The weather was perfect for such an occasion, and approximately
twenty four cars with their occupants participated and left the grounds of
Glaslough Parish Church in relays.
Mr Roy McConnell and Mr Bertie McClure, from Aughnacloy, set the clues for
the treasure hunt, and many of the competitors found the clues quite challenging.
One certainly needed two good eyes and an acute brain to unravel the clues
as they travelled along the countryside.
The participants returned to the Parish Hall and enjoyed a Barbeque followed
by a variety of puddings, and when the last car returned the marking of the
answer sheets took place.
The winner in 1st place was Alma Marshall and family, and in second place
were the Spence brothers. Congratulations to those people who stuck with
the clues and got most of them correct.
It was lovely to see so many families present not only from Donagh Group
of Parishes but from Glaslough and the surrounding locality.
The main object was to raise funds for the running of the Scripture Union
Bible Club that takes place annually during the summer in the village of
Glaslough. This is an interdenominational event and caters for around one
hundred children of Primary school age.
Thanks were expressed to all those who came on the evening and supported
the treasure hunt and gave donations, and to the people who helped in any
way whether helping with the organising or contributing food for the event.
The event raised €500 which is an excellent result.