Annual Area Services and Spring Diocesan Council
Annual Area Services and Spring Diocesan Council
The Mothers Union Area Service for the southern part of Clogher Diocese
was held in Clogh Parish Church on Friday 7th May, at which the All-Ireland
President of the Mothers Union, Mrs Ruth Mercer, was the speaker. The two
Area Services for the northern part of the Diocese were held in the Priory
Church Killadeas where the speaker was the Rector, the Revd Mark Watson,
and in Lisbellaw, where the speaker was the Revd Melanie Lacey from Oakhill
Theological College London. All three services were, as usual, well attended.
The President of Clogher Diocesan Mothers Union, Mrs Geraldine Beattie, attended
the services in Clogh and Killadeas.
At the area services contributions to the Overseas Fund were presented by
the Mothers Union branches, and the banner from each branch wass carried.
The Diocesan Banner was carried at the services attended by the Diocesan
The Mothers Union Spring Council took place on Thursday 17th May at 7.30
pm in St Macartin’s Cathedral Hall, Enniskillen. The Mothers Union
Diocesan Chaplain, the Revd Canon John Stewart, opened the meeting with a
Bible reading and Prayers.
The Diocesan President, Mrs Geraldine Beattie, asked members to stand and
remember those who had died during the year. A special mention was made of
Mrs Mavis Roston who had died in a tragic road traffic accident on her way
home from the Mothers Union All Ireland Council on 13th March. Mavis was
the Clogher Social Policy Contact in this Unit in Dublin.
The secretary, Mrs Diane Whittaker, reported that there were 862 members
in the diocese which includes two diocesan members.
Reports were heard from the four units: Action and Outreach; Marketing; Faith
and Policy; and Finance and Central Services.
Council were encouraged to continue to knit baby cardigans and hats for the
neo-natal unit of the Erne Hospital and also to supply overnight bags for
the Women’s Refuge.
Reports were also heard from the Girls Friendly Society and also the Indoor
Members Contact.
From Saturday 26th - Tuesday 29th June the Diocesan Mothers Union will have
a visit from Mrs Perdita Bentall who is the Diocesan President in the link
Diocese of Wellington, New Zealand. Anyone interested in meeting Mrs Bentall
are encouraged to attend Belleek Parish Church on Sunday 27th June at 11.00am.
If you would like to know more about the Mothers Union in Clogher Diocese
please visit the website or contact the President,
Mrs Geraldine Beattie, on 028 82 242067. New Members are always welcome.

Mothers' Union Area Service in Lisbellaw