New Killadeas Parish Hall Dedicated
New Killadeas Parish Hall Dedicated
Parishioners of Killadeas Parish in the Diocese of Clogher joined together
recently for the official opening and dedication of their new parish hall.
The Bishop of Clogher, the Rt Revd Dr Michael Jackson, celebrated at a sung
service of Holy Communion in the Priory Church, Killadeas, after which he
unveiled the dedicatory plaque in the new Priory Parish Hall.
During the service the music included the Anthem: Lord give me faith. The
setting for the Holy Communion was St. Patrick's setting by Colin Mawby with
the Sanctus from Franz Schubert's Deutche Messe of 1826. The hymnody included
amongst other hymns Praise to the Lord, The Almighty, The King of Creation,
along with Spirit of the Living God and God, whose city's sure foundation,
while the 122nd Psalm, I was glad when they said to me, was sung to the traditional
chant by Sir J. Goss.
The Bishop dedicated the Hall to The Glory of God and in memory of past Rectors
of the Priory Church. During his sermon the Bishop paid tribute to the efforts
of the Parish and the community in the Killadeas area. At afternoon tea,
which was served in the new Parish Hall, a number of tributes were paid to
the parish and Select Vestry by the Rector, the Revd Mark Watson, and Mr.
Ronnie Balfour replied on behalf of the Parish.

Bishop Jackson, Revd Watson, The Church Wardens and Choir of
The Priory Church, Killadeas.