Coffee Morning in aid of Monaghan Protestant Orphan Society
Coffee Morning in aid of Monaghan Protestant Orphan Society
Coffee Morning in aid of Monaghan Protestant Orphan Society
A well supported coffee and tea morning in aid of the County Monaghan Protestant
Orphan Society recently took place in Scotshouse Rectory. The Revd Helene Steed,
Rector of the Clones Group of Parishes, said “it was lovely to welcome
parishioners as well as friends from other parishes to the rectory, and together
we raised €500 which was an excellent result.” The proceeds of this
event will greatly benefit the work of the Society, and the Revd Steed encourages
people to pray for the Society and its work, as this Society serves local children
in difficult circumstances. The Revd Steed believes “the Protestant Orphan
Society deserves our generous support in every possible way.”