Trory Parish marks retirement of Honorary Treasurer
Trory Parish marks retirement of Honorary Treasurer

The rector of Trory and Killadeas Group of Parishes in Clogher Diocese, the Revd Mark Watson and members of the Select Vestry of Trory Parish are pictured after a presentation on Sunday 18th April 2010 to mark the retirement of Mrs Evelyn West, who after forty-seven years as a member of the Parish Select Vestry, has retired as Honorary Treasurer of the Parish. Mrs West served as treasurer under the last five rectors of Trory parish. The rector on behalf of the Select Vestry and parishioners thanked Mrs West for her long service and especially her dedication as treasurer. He paid special tribute to her work in recent years when the treasurer carried a heavier burden than normal during restoration and refurbishment of Trory Parish Church and Rectory. Mrs West sought the rector’s permission to address the congregation at Morning Prayer and thanked the Parish for the trust they had placed in her over the years, and she wished the parish every blessing for the future.