Concerts in Clogher
Successful Concerts in Clogher and Drumkeeeran
Spring Concert in Clogher Cathedral
A recent concert which took place in St Macartan’s Cathedral, Clogher raised over £1,000 for the ongoing work of ministry and mission in the parish and for the charity Fields of Life.
Mr Maurice Donaldson, a former parishioner of the Cathedral, spoke movingly about the work of Fields of Life in building schools and their current major programme of providing local water supplies. The concert was entitled an 'April Evening of Music and Song' and more than lived up to this title, with superb singing from the children's choir Bella Voce, members of their chamber choir and young soloists. They were led by Mr David Thompson, who also sang a solo piece from Les Miserables and were accompanied on the piano by Mrs Susan Stewart. They certainly inspired the many present to sing their hearts out in praise of the Lord in three well known hymns. Murley Silver Band were equally inspiring, conducted by Mrs Ann Bloomfield, and they gave a selection of pieces demonstrating their versatility and musicianship. In particular a very moving item, entitled Mansions in the Sky, which is from a recent war film, included vocal roles for band members and a speaking part for a soldier. They rounded off their contribution with a rousing Salvation Army march.

Drumkeeran Parish Variety Concert Success
An enjoyable Parish Concert was held in Drumkeeran Parochial Hall on Friday 16th April. Churchill Silver Band played a number of pieces from musicals performed on the international stage. A Choir led by Gillian Rutherford added variety to the evening, as did participation by the audience. At the mid-way break a light snack was served by the ladies of the parish. The evening was so enjoyable that at the end the audience was calling for more. The concert was organised to raise money for parish funds and in this it was most successful. It was the kind of venture that many would like to have repeated.