Swedish Link
Swedish Link
In June, the Donagh Group of parishes was pleased to welcome back a group
of students from the Island of Gotland, in Sweden led by Rev’d Marianne Witting
and verger Claus.
The Rev’d Marianne was rector in charge of the Donagh Group for a short
period in 2003-2004 and has kept up an association with the group since that
time. The students originally visited during their confirmation year in 2005
and they were pleased to renew old friendships.
Thanks to Eileen and Clayton Coulter who hosted the guests in their respective
homes and also to Rev’d Pringle and the parishioners who organised a
welcoming barbeque in the Church Hall.
During their stay, the students also enjoyed a tour of Clogher Cathedral, led
by Mr Jack Johnston, a boat trip on Lough Erne and a trip to the Giant’s