2008 Bishop’s Medal and Archdeacon Ruddell Projects2008

Clogher Diocesan Board of Religious Education
2008 Bishop’s Medal and Archdeacon Ruddell Projects

Archdeacon Ruddell Prize
The Ten Commandments.

Explore their origin, their content and their meaning to you in everyday life. As an example you can refer to pages 14 and 15 of the Kids’ Guide and the Core Syllabus for Clogher Diocese.

This project is for primary school age children. Group or individual entries are acceptable. It is suggested to have an A4 booklet of approximately twelve pages

Bishop’s Medal Project
Jesus’ Summary of the Law Instruction
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all you mind. This is the first and great Commandment and the second is like it. You shall love your neighbour as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the law and the prophets.”
Explore the relevance of this in your life today at home, at school/work and in the community. Refer to your answers to the Ten Commandments, Duty towards God and Duty towards your neighbour. (Core Syllabus Stage 3 Obedience and Duty)

This project is for Post-Primary Children and adults up to age 25.

Application for entry numbers for both of these projects need to be with the Secretary, Mrs F Brunt, 163 Main Street, Fivemiletown by 21st May 2008. The actual entries need to be submitted to her by 17th June 2008. Copies of the Kids’ Guide can be bought from the Secretary for £2.50 each.

Date: 29 Jan 08