David Bolton gives an insight into the 'Journey from Trauma'
David Bolton, Director of the Northern Ireland Centre for Trauma and Transformation gave a fascinating insight into emotional trauma.
The conference room of the Clinton Centre, Enniskillen was almost at full capacity last night (3rd May 2007) for a Macartan 1500 lecture delivered by Mr David Bolton, from the Northern Ireland Centre for Trauma and Transformation. David is the third speaker organised as part of the Macartan 1500 Project, celebrating a Millennium and a half since the death of Clogher Diocese's patron saint - St Macartan.
David gave a very insightful and thought provoking talk entitled 'Questions and Possibilities; Lessons from Trauma' and spoke first hand about his own experiences and about the experiences of helping many people with their journey after a traumatic event to recovery and growth.
"After a traumatic event most will recover from any short term distress very quickly, however a proportion of people affected will have long term physiological and mental health problems. In the long term this must have a huge impact on resources," he explained.
"Encouragingly the Centre has found that even people who has experienced a trauma many many years ago and who have had long term problems can make a very good recovery when provided with effective trauma focused treatments," said David.
Closing the evening the Bishop of Clogher, the Right Revd Dr Michael Jackson said "From listening to David you will have the sense that he is someone who clearly knew the people at the heart of what he talked about as he spoke with such sensitivity and compassion."
Shortly the Macartan 1500 Project will welcome Archbishop Josiah Idowu-Fearon at Enniskillen's Ardowen Theatre (6th June 2007, 8.00 pm). He will speak about Nigeria's recent conflict on the theme of 'Nigeria - Challenges to Contemporary Society'. The Project, coordinated by Clogher Diocese, is part financed by the European Union through the EU Programme for Peace and Reconciliation and managed for the Special EU Programmes Body by the Northern Ireland Rural Development Council (RDC).
4 May 2007