Installation Service marks important occasion in the life of Clogher Diocese

Pictured at the installation service held in St Macartan's Cathedral, Clogher on Sunday 26th February are the Very Revd Raymond Thompson, the Revd Canon Dennis Robinson, the Revd Chancellor Eric McGirr, the Revd Canon Stanley Bourke, the Revd Canon Jonathan Heyhoe, and the Rt Revd Dr Michael Jackson, Bishop of Clogher. Sunday 26th February marked an important occasion in the life of Clogher Diocese, when four clergy were installed to the Chapter of Clogher Cathedral. Preaching at the Installation Service, the Dean of Clogher, the Very Revd Raymond Thompson referred to the combined service of 107 years which the four clergy being installed had given to ministry in the Church of Ireland. Dean Thompson also drew attention to the challenges faced in ministering the Christian message in today's world.

Well known rector of Magheraculmoney Parish, Ardess, the Revd Chancellor Eric McGirr was installed as Chancellor of Clogher. As the former Prebendary of Tullycorbet, Chancellor McGirr has been on the Chapter of Clogher Cathedral since 1998, however with the retirement of the previous Chancellor, Canon Victor McKeon, Canon McGirr was appointed Chancellor by the Bishop of Clogher, the Rt Revd Dr Michael Jackson. Since 1994 Chancellor McGirr has been rector of Magheraculmoney, a vibrant North Fermanagh parish.

The Revd Canon Dennis Robinson, Rector of Aghavea Parish in the vicinity of Brookeborough, has been installed as Prebendary of Devenish. Canon Robinson, who is originally from Portadown, spent over 23 years as a lecturer in Engineering before his ordination in 1988. He and his wife Kathleen have been in Clogher Diocese since February 1998, when Canon Robinson was instituted Rector of Aghavea.

The Revd Canon Stanley Bourke, Rector of Inishmacsaint Parish, Derrygonnelly has been installed as Prebendary of Donacavey. A native of County Sligo, Canon Bourke was educated in Colleeney Primary School and Sligo Grammar School. Before his ordination in 1978, he worked in business in Sligo for seven years. Prior to becoming Rector of Inishmacsaint in June 2003, Canon Bourke spent 14 years as Rector of St. John's Parish, Lurgan. In October 2004, Canon Bourke was appointed Rural Dean of Enniskillen Rural Deanery. Canon Bourke is privileged to serve God as an Ordained Minister in the Church of Ireland and to preach the good news of Jesus Christ. Canon Bourke's brother, the Revd Canon Ronnie Bourke is a Canon of St Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, Chancellor of Kildare Cathedral, and a Canon of Meath Cathedral.

The Revd Canon Jonathan Heyhoe, Rector of Ballybay, Mucknoo and Clontibret Group of Parishes, was installed as Prebendary of Tullycorbet. Canon Heyhoe studied languages (Spanish and Portuguese) at Manchester University, and theology at Trinity College Bristol. Between these two courses he served as an Associate Missionary with the South American Mission Society teaching in Vina del Mar, Chile. Ordained deacon in Guildford Cathedral in 1980, Canon Heyhoe served in two parishes in England for eleven years before moving to Ireland in 1991 to join the Community at the Christian Renewal Centre in Rostrevor, Co. Down, where he was Deputy Leader. In January 1998 Canon Heyhoe was instituted to the Ballybay Group of Parishes in County Monaghan. Canon Heyhoe has a special interest in mission and was part of a diocesan team to Nepal in 2002.

March 2006