
Clogher Diocesan Synod 2015


Clogher Diocesan Synod was held in St Macartin's Cathedral Hall, Enniskillen on Thursday 24th September, commencing with a service of Holy Communion in St Macartin's Cathedral, Enniskillen.

During the service the Old Testament Reading was read by the Revd Stephanie Woods, rector of Lisbellaw Parish with Coolbuck, and the Psalm was read by Dr Ronald Brown, a representative from the Methodist Church. The Epistle was read by Mrs Martha Smyth, a representative of the Roman Catholic Church, and the Gospel was read by the Revd Olivia Downey, curate in Enniskillen and Clogher Cathedrals. The intercessions were led by the Revd Canon Dr Ian Ellis, rector of Rossorry Parish. The celebrant was the Bishop, the Rt Revd John McDowell, who was assisted in the administration of Communion by the Dean, the Very Revd Kenneth Hall and the Revd David Cupples of the Methodist Church. The hymns were Lord of the Church, we pray for our renewing', Here, O my Lord, I see thee face to face' and Sent forth by God's blessing'.

Rt Revd John McDowell Bishop of Clogher and Sir Benjamin Stephens Chancellor of Clogher

The Rt Revd John McDowell, Bishop of Clogher, presided at Synod, and the Assessor was Sir Benjamin Stephens. Synod commenced with a Scripture Reading read by Mrs Mae Glenn, and prayers were led by the Ven. Helene T.Steed, Archdeacon.

The President, The Rt. Revd John McDowell, Bishop of Clogher addressed Synod members (see Clogher Diocesan Synod 2015 - President's Address).

Observers from Sister Churches included the Revd Sam McGuffin and Dr Ronald Brown of the Methodist Church, the Rt Revd Monsignor Peter O'Reilly and Mrs Martha Smyth of the Roman Catholic Church, and the Revd David Cupples of the Presbyterian Church.

The Revd Brian Harper and the Revd Gary McMurray were elected as Clerical Honorary Secretaries, and Mr John Irvine and Cllr Rosemary Barton were re-elected as Lay Honorary Secretaries.

The Rt Revd Monsignor Peter O'Reilly brought greetings on behalf of the Roman Catholic Church, Revd Sam McGuffin on behalf of the Methodist Church, and the Revd David Cupples on behalf of the Presbyterian Church.

Mgr Peter O'Reilly St Michael's Parish Enniskillen

Revd David Cupples Presbyterian Church Enniskillen

Revd Sam McGuffin Methodist Church Enniskillen

The minutes of the previous Synod were placed on the table, together with communication from the General Synod. The 144th Report of the Diocesan Council was proposed by the Very Revd Kenneth Hall and seconded by Mrs Ethne McCord. The Report was considered seriatim and adopted.

Very Revd Kenneth Hall Dean of Clogher

Standing Orders were suspended to allow for the presentation of Medals by the Clogher Diocesan Board of Religious Education which were presented by the Bishop. Winner of the Bishops' Medal was Jennifer Taylor, Donagh Parish, in joint 2nd place was Lauren Smyth, Newtownsaville Parish and Mark Waller, Donagh Parish. For the Archbishop Ruddell Prize, first place was awarded to Lucie and Hannah Darling, Galloon Parish and 2nd prize was awarded to Holly Hutchinson, Galloon Parish.

Jennifer Taylor receives Bishops' Medal

A motion concerning amending paragraph 1 of Chapter 1 Section 3 (ii) of the Diocesan Financial Scheme was proposed by Revd Canon Henry Blair and seconded by Mr John Irvine and adopted.

Standing Orders were suspended to allow for a presentation from Mr Adrian Clements, Chief Officer and Secretary of the Representative Church Body on Dignity In Church Life'.

Mr Adrian Clements Chief Officer and Secretary of RCB

Mr Jonny Phenix, Diocesan Youth Officer presented a report of Clogher Diocesan Youth Council and was noted. Miss Joyce Clingan proposed and Mr John Irviine seconded the report of Clogher Diocesan Board of Religious Education, and the report of the Clogher Diocesan Board of Mission was proposed by Mrs Doreen Earls and seconded by the Very Revd Kenneth Hall. The report of the Clogher Diocesan Board of Social Theology in Action was proposed by the Revd Charlie Eames and seconded by Mr Neville Armstrong. The Ministry of Healing report was presented by the Revd Canon Maurice Armstrong and noted and the report of the Diocesan Glebes Committee was proposed by the Revd Canon Ian Berry and seconded by Mr Robert Forde.

Mr Jonny Phenix Diocesan Youth Officer

Revd Charlie Eames

Revd Canon Ian Berry

The delegates enjoyed the proceedings and appreciated the hospitality provided.