
Morning and Evening Prayer for Lent


Morning and Evening Prayer for Lent

The next of the new Seasonal Services of Morning and Evening Prayer on Sunday, for use in Lent, is now available on the Church of Ireland website.

Morning and Evening Prayer on Sunday was signed off by the General Synod in 2018, and that generic form of the service, primarily for use in ordinary time, was published in the 2018 revised edition of the Book of Common Prayer. Subsequently, a book of completed seasonal variations on the service was published meaning the suite of new services is available in hard copy without the need for churches to replace existing copies of the Book of Common Prayer.

Recently, members of the Church of Ireland’s Liturgical Advisory Committee (LAC) met with representatives from each diocese to provide training to introduce these services (and other liturgical resources). Some dioceses have already delivered their training events, with others in the planning.

The seasonal variations of Morning and Evening Prayer on Sunday cover the seasons of Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent and Easter. During the month prior to each season in the incoming year, the electronic version of the relevant service will become available online with the first being the service for Advent, now available.

Speaking about the new services, the Venerable Ricky Rountree, who is the LAC’s Vice-Chair, commented that ‘Morning and Evening Prayer as a daily office has been at the heart of Anglican Worship since the Reformation. The two existing services in the Book of Common Prayer witness to that tradition. These new services build upon that tradition, but offer a flexibility and seasonal variation which will, we trust, enrich the worshipping practice of the Church of Ireland for years to come. On behalf of the LAC, I am very happy to commend Morning and Evening Prayer on Sunday for use across the Church.’

The booklet containing Morning and Evening Prayer on Sunday Seasonal Services can be purchased from the Church of Ireland’s online store at the following link:

The 2018 revised edition of the Book of Common Prayer can be purchased from the Church of Ireland’s online store at the following link: